Roland Griffiths, a professor of behavioral science and psychiatry known for his groundbreaking work in the study of psychedelics, passed away on Monday at his home in Baltimore at the age of 77. He had been battling colon cancer. Dr. Griffiths, a distinguished psychopharmacologist and professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, had spent many years researching the effects of various mood-altering drugs and published numerous papers on the subject. However, his most notable work came in 2006 when he conducted a study on psilocybin, the psychoactive compound found in certain mushrooms, and its ability to induce mystical experiences. The study, which demonstrated the profound and long-lasting effects of psilocybin on participants’ mood and behavior, was hailed as groundbreaking and opened up new avenues of scientific research into psychedelics. Dr. Griffiths believed that these substances held great potential for improving the human condition and fostering a sense of interconnectedness and compassion among individuals. His work not only reintroduced the mystical into scientific discourse but also inspired a renaissance in psychedelic research globally. Despite the controversial history of psychedelics, Dr. Griffiths’ rigorous scientific approach and reputation lent credibility to this field of inquiry and paved the way for further studies exploring the therapeutic potential of psychedelics in treating various conditions, such as anxiety and depression in cancer patients. Dr. Griffiths’ contribution to the field will have a lasting impact on the way we understand consciousness and spirituality. He is survived by his wife, three children, five grandchildren, and siblings.