Friday, July 26, 2024

We’re excited to announce Aragon OSx CLI, a tool that makes it easy to build, deploy, and publish plugins on Aragon OSx. 

The CLI abstracts away the complexity of deploying and publishing a plugin, as well as providing better error handling so you can debug and solve problems faster.

Let’s dive into how Aragon OSx CLI makes development fast and easy, so you can focus on building custom functionality for your DAO!

“The CLI enables you to build faster and safer, and not have to work with the protocol in its raw state.”

— Aaron, Developer Experience Engineer

Plugins are smart contracts that change the logic of your DAO. They can be installed, uninstalled, and upgraded. Think of plugins like apps you install on your computer. They add extra functionality that extend what your DAO can do!

Plugins can perform lots of different actions onchain. Here are a few categories:

  • Governance: alter the decision-making mechanism in your DAO, such as by installing a token voting plugin, cross-chain voting plugin, or something else.
  • Asset management: swap tokens with a Uniswap plugin, stake assets with a Lido plugin, or buy NFTs with an OpenSea plugin.
  • Membership: customize the voting census. Grant membership to individuals with a non-transferrable token plugin, to authorized wallets with a multisig plugin, or to token holders with an ERC-20 plugin.
  • Anything else that extends the functionality of your DAO onchain!

One example of a plugin is the multichain governance plugin. DAOs can install it to change their DAO from being single-chain to multichain.

Plugins make your DAO modular by giving you the option to create custom logic, install the combination of plugins you need, and uninstall the ones you no longer need. They make it possible for you to adapt your DAO as its needs change, without having to abandon the existing DAO and deploy a new one. 

Modularity through plugins makes it possible for your DAO to operate in a complex, ever-changing world and tap into the latest innovations and best practices! 

The Aragon OSx CLI is a terminal interface making it easier and faster for developers to build plugins. 

Here’s what you can expect from the CLI: 

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